• Creamy cacao, biscuits, earthy maple, and moonbeams.

  • Every night, around an hour before bed, mix 13g (a tablespoon) with your favourite warmed/frothed milk and enjoy as a lovely little (immunity and performance boosting) after dinner treat. It’s totally safe to take on the daily, and won’t result in dependence.

  • There’s no reason why our potent adaptogenic blend shouldn’t work on the first night. And as with any good habit, the positive effects compound over time.

    As long as you’re practising sensible sleep hygiene, you’ll find you sleep deeper and wake up fresher. This ain’t no benzo though, so don’t expect it to knock you out if you mainlined a triple espresso at 5pm and/or attempted a screen time ultramarathon pre-bedtime.

  • We’d rather lick the bottom of a slug than enforce a compulsory level of (non-functional) sweetness, tbh. You can add whatever you like, but we think sleep-friendly amino acid Glycine does the trick. Glycine has a pure, sweet flavour without any of the sickly, creepy synthetic taste of Stevia and its compadres.

  • You’re the captain of your bedtime ship, my friend. Call us boujie, but we recommend frothed Oatly Barista (or similar) as the gold standard of MoonBrew™ consumption.

  • MoonBrew™ as a product is not certified organic, but the majority of components are indeed certified organic. We’re striving to improve in this regard because, with all due respect, pesticides can go suck a schlong.

    By mass, we only have 20.8% of the blend remaining to find an organic source for. MoonBrew™ v1.2 will have a higher percentage of organic ingredients, no doubt about it.

  • No. We will never include free plastic shit that you don’t need. Why? Because: turtles, dolphins, seals, etc. We were hoping you might have a spoon :)

  • Yes, and please do recycle it at your local supermarket along with your other soft plastics. If you send a picture of you doing that to recyclingfriends@dream-te.ch, we will send you a special discount code for being a turbo babe.

  • MoonBrew™ Adaptogenic Bedtime Drink v1.0 is batch tested gluten free.

    It is manufactured in a UK facility that also processes tree nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, soya, dairy, eggs, milk, wheat, gluten, mustard and cereals. Strict cross-contamination procedures are in place, however it cannot be 100% guaranteed to be totally allergen free.

  • Dear Alien Who Survives Life Without Pizza,

    The earthmade sleep supercharger you seek contains 2.2g of carbs, 0.9g of which sugars. You will find this meets the requirements of your doctrine. The brownie-like flavour will assist with your cravings.

    Yours faithfully, DT